Fundraising & Management Committee
Chris Lawson
Chairman of Fundraising & Management
Committee Members
Diane Akers (Chairman of the West Sussex Lunch Club)
Jane Altenhoven (Event Lead)
Kathryn Daughtrey (Event Lead)
Jenna Davies (Chairman of the East Sussex Lunch Club)
Phyllida de Salis (Governance Lead)
Patricia Evans (Event Lead)
Chris Lawson (Head of Fundraising & Management)
Jane Leney (Raffle/Auction Lead)
Judith Ruthven (Database Administrator)
Ann Spike (Database Administrator)
Dianne Steele (Head of Publicity & Marketing)
Tina Turner (Admin Support)
Patti Whitaker (Volunteer Co-ordinator)
Sarah White (Governance Lead Assitance)
Jeni Woodhouse (Event Lead)
Heather Woolcott (Financial Administrator)