West Sussex Lunch Club

Tottington Manor Hotel & Restaurant,  Edburton Rd, Henfield BN5 9LJ

WSLC logo 2022 mid res

Lunch cost is £28.00 for members or £33.00 for non-members (Non-members are free to book and come at any time)
Lunch is at 12.30pm. A guest speaker follows the lunch and the afternoon is concluded at 3.00 - 3.30pm when the raffle is drawn.

Annual membership is £20 and entitles  you to attend lunches at both the East & West Lunch Clubs – renewable on 1 April annually

11 March 2025

Menu: TBA
Speaker: TBA

10 June 2025

Menu: TBA

Speaker: Gethyn Hudson  - Internationally acknowledged water diviner or dowser!

March Luncheon

When booking online you will be asked to select your menu choices for everyone you are booking for.

For online booking you will receive an email confirmation
To contact the organiser Email→
Payment by cheque: Please download this Booking Form→  and send it to the address on the form
Last date for receipt of your booking is 7 working days before a lunch

WSLC Highdown cropped
WSLC - march 8 2022
WSLC - Diane march 2022
WSLC March 2022
Tottington Manor