Bridge Lunch at Glyndebourne


Glyndebourne Opera House, Mildmay

by kind permission of Mr & Mrs Gus Christie

Wednesday 3 September 2025 at 12.00pm

Please join us for an afternoon of Chicago bridge preceded by a 12 noon reception and lunch.
You are invited to arrive from 11am to roam the beautiful gardens and lakesides of Glyndebourne.
You can visit the Glyndebourne shop and purchase tea & coffee from the Long Bar.
All playing requirements will be provided. Early application is recommended.
12.00pm Reception
12.30pm Lunch
2.00 Play starts
4.30pm Raffle & prizes


Booking opens in July 2025

Cheques should be made payable to Friends of Sussex Hospices and an SAE enclosed. Send to: Jeni Woodhouse, Hill House, Maynards Green, Heathfield, East Sussex TN21 0DE

Please address any enquiries to:

Jeni Woodhouse:  [email protected]
07921 405000