Summer Cabaret booking by BACS "*" indicates required fields Name* First Last Email* Address* Street Address Address Line 2 Postcode Telephone*Do you require disabled parking facilities Yes TablesTable size is 10 & 12 people - it may be necessary for smaller parties to share a table* I agree It is essential that groups wishing to sit together book their seats on the same application form* I agree Tickets are now £85.00How many tickets are you booking*Make your bank transfer to: Friends of Sussex Hospices, sort code: 23-05-80, Account No: 21145696Please be aware that the FSH bank (Metro) will not be verified by your own bank.Please add this reference: CAB/your own surname. I agree Data protectionIn accordance with the Data Protection Act (2018) we do not disclose to or share your personal information with any third-party organisations. We would, however, like to keep you informed about our own events. EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.